Documentation Examples > Documentation Exhibition

Moving Towards Our Charter's Mission Through Responsive Reflection

School: Marstons Mills East Horace Mann Charter Public School, Marstons Mills, MA

14. Preparing for Presentations

Our Last Day Together

As we reviewed the morning schedule and our expectations, in preparation for our students? final time together, our students? excitement was difficult to contain. It was clear that they were eager to join their buddies and to get to work!

As they began their work we teachers floated from group to group, offering our support. Soon after, we realized that we were no longer needed! Every group had a plan for how they would present what they learned and knew exactly what they wanted to share. It was remarkable!

Our morning ended with each group presenting their final product to the larger group. Every group incorporated at least three facts and presented them in a variety of ways which were reflective of the group member?s unique abilities, interests, strengths and personalities. We saw skits, posters, dioramas, and written reports.

During some presentations, kindergarteners or first graders from the groups emerged as the lead spokespersons and at other times, the older students took the lead. More reserved or shy students who we had felt concern for at the beginning of our project now stood tall and proud in their roles as fully involved members.