Documentation Examples > Documentation Exhibition
Moving Towards Our Charter's Mission Through Responsive Reflection
School: Marstons Mills East Horace Mann Charter Public School, Marstons Mills, MA
Documentation by Lynn Hurley and Cathy Milne
In January 2006, in an effort to instill a sense of membership and connection to our Marstons Mills East Horace Mann Charter School community, we established a Book Buddy group. The group consisted of three classrooms; Kindergarten, Multiage (combined Grades One and Two) and Third Grade. We worked together one day each week.
Initially our goal was to create mixed groups comprised of every available grade level. That goal and many others evolved through our implementation of the Accelerated School PLUS? model, and the practices of documentation and reflection. The timeline which you are about to experience chronicles our journey as teachers and learners.
Read About This Project
1. About Our School
2. Three Principles
3. Past Projects
4. Components of Powerful Learning
5. Documentation and Reflection
6. Brainstorming Topics
7. Kindergarten Reflections
8. May 23, 2006 ? Teacher Reflections
9. May 24, 2006 ? Whole Group Reflections
10. May 31, 2006 ? Reflections
11. June 1, 2006 - Sharing
12. Final Projects
13. June 1, 2006 ? Teacher Reflections
14. Preparing for Presentations
15. Final Reflections
16. Teacher Reflections
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