Documentation Examples > Documentation Exhibition

Moving Towards Our Charter's Mission Through Responsive Reflection

School: Marstons Mills East Horace Mann Charter Public School, Marstons Mills, MA

16. Teacher Reflections

During the previous projects we were concerned about a few students? behavior. They were disengaged from their group and at times disruptive.

As we began our student-driven Cape Cod Research Project, we realized that these same students were fully engaged and excited to be working hard.

We attribute these significant changes to the fact that the project was student-driven, based upon each individual?s interests and to our sincere attempts to listen and respond to the insightful reflections.

After viewing our students? final projects, listening to their presentations and reviewing their ?Exploring Cape Cod Checklist Rubric? we discovered that all had demonstrated a high level of engagement and achievement. This was reflected in their ability to articulate their thoughts during our Final Reflections.

Not only were students able to complete the tasks as prescribed in the rubric, but they were also able to speak at length about their experience as a member of a group; and clearly and accurately share the Cape Cod facts that they had learned.